FAQs about card-not-present payment
How to register
How to terminate
What is card-not-present payment?

When security measures are ensured at reputable merchants, cardholders don’t need to swipe their cards or insert cards to read card information. They only need to submit transaction elements such as card information and cardholder information according to actual application scenarios, to complete the process of related payments.

How do I activate Alipay/WeChat Pay/Meituan Pay?

You only need to accurately fill in your debit card number, valid ID number and the domestic mobile phone number registered in our bank on Alipay/WeChat/Meituan APPs, and you can easily activate the payment function of these service providers with your debit card and conduct quick payments.

How to check/turn off quick payment?

You can 

  1. log into our bank’s Personal Internet banking, click “Security Center - Lock Card” , and select “UnionPay Card-Not-Present Payment” from Debit Card Service dropdown box; 

  2. log in to our bank’s WeChat Banking, click ”More –Account Management –Security Center”, check the third-party quick payment agreements that have been effective under your name, such as Alipay and WeChat Pay, or turn off quick payment. You can also check and turn off the corresponding quick payment agreement through the corresponding third-party platform.