Register New User
System Requirements
Register New User
Before you begin - you will need
  • Your Welcome Letter - contains "Organisation ID" and "User ID", already sent you by email or SMS

  • Your Security Device - a DP276 Token - please acquire a new one from the contact person of your company.

  • Open Velocity Login Screen - visit our website,, and click "Velocity@ocbc" red button.

  • Welcome Letter

    Security Device

    (DP276 Token)

    Velocity Login Screen

    Register New User

    1. Set up a new PIN for your Security Device. How do I set up a new PIN?

    2. Activation Procss:
    • Select "Register New User" in Velocity Login Page

    • Enter "Organisation ID" and "User ID" which written in your Welcome Letter, then click "Immediately Activate"

    • Select "Email" or "SMS", click "Request" to get a Activation Code

    • Enter the "Activation Code", click "Next"

    • Bind your Security Device by following the onscreen instructions

    • Set up your Login Password

    • Request an Activation Code
      Security Device Binding
      Setup Login Password

System Requirements
System Requirements is recommended as follows:
  • Browser:

    1. Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8 or later

    2. Mozilla Firefox, version 40 or later

  • Enable TLS 1.2 in your browser

    How to enable TLS 1.2 in my browser?

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • Internet connection