Security tips
Security advisory
Security alert
Firefox version 40 and later

To configure Firefox version 40 and later, complete these steps:

a. Open a Firefox browser and enter about:config in the address bar.

b. You may see a This might void your warranty warning screen. It’s ok, you can choose I accept the risk! or I'll be careful, I promise!.

c. Search for security.tls.version.max.

d. Double-click security.tls.version.max and change the value to "3", and click OK.

e. Double-click security.tls.version.min and change the value to 1.

f. Close and restart Firefox.

Tip: Value of 1 means TLS1.0,2 means TLS1.1, 3 means TLS1.2.

Internet Explorer version 8 and later

To configure Internet Explorer version 8 and later, complete these steps:

a. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.

b. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

c. Scroll to the Security section, select the Use TLS 1.1 and Use TLS 1.2 check box, and click OK.

e. Close and restart Internet Explorer.

Tip: If you are not able to find “use TLS 1.1” and “use TLS 1.2” under “Security” category, it means your operating system or browser do not meet the requirement, you need to change PC or upgrade the system.